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Public Relations Activities


Strategix PR & Media

Our intimate knowledge of the Japanese media allows us to tailor our approach to our clients' businesses. We work closely with all major media outlets, from online media to blog media, to explore PR opportunities.



SNS・Online PR

Activities to increase SEO and buzz online are useful. We also manage social networking accounts such as IG, examine the target audience, consider the content, select images, think about the text and combine it with other online tools to promote effectively. We propose various forms of community building, such as organising live shows.


Writing Work

In addition to writing press releases, newsletters, internal newsletters and external publicity material, I also work as a writer. For example, contributing articles. We work with the media by finding stories, conducting interviews and writing articles. Online articles are particularly influential and effective for SEO. We also have professional designers so that we can organize both writing activity and creative activity.


Inside Public Relations


Martket Research from PR Point of Views

Market research is carried out from a PR perspective, reports are submitted and opportunities are provided to explain the results. For example, the hospitality industry. Food, clientele, in-demand activities, interior design, etc. of new hotels. And advice on how to deal with customers in Japan and from abroad. We also ask writers and journalists to help us work with our clients to come up with solutions that they understand and agree with.


Executive Support

Someyimes, our PR activities also include sales activities, suggested tour guiding and secretarial duties. Support for visitors to Japan, for example, is not limited to media coverage and event handling, but also includes setting up entertainment and dinners, inspection tours, handling accompanying family members, handling fine dining (vegan, Jewish, halal, etc.) and gift buying. Hospitality support by our bilingual staff is one of our proudest achievements.


All In One Network and Hospitality

We have an extensive network of marketing-related contacts, not only in the media sector, but also in high-quality, reliable interpreters, translators, website production companies, designers and researchers. We also support our clients on the hospitality side, as a follow-up activity from PR, by advising on the choice of hotels and restaurants to ensure a fruitful business trip to Japan when it comes to dealing with foreigners.
