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Quora - Q&A platform that empowers people to share and grow the world's knowledge

We conducted proactive PR activities for Quora, a leading US start-up and knowledge-sharing platform. We also worked with a number of media, companies and institutions to promote Mr DiAngelo's PR activities, including TV interviews, magazine coverage, talk shows and speeches following his visit to Japan by Adam DiAngelo, CEO of Quora and the first Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Facebook.


Canada Northwest Territories - SNS PR 

We are responsible for the PR activities of Tourism Canada Northwest Territories, including the management of social networking sites and the promotion of PR activities to attract the interest of the younger generation, such as Generation Z. We are also actively involved in the experiential coverage activities of top influencers (Youtubers). Our popular Youtuber coverage projects have resulted in extremely high KPIs and we have gained the trust of local government officials.



Character PR - 2 (A Well known Kid's Character in US - Lalaloopsy)

We have carried out numerous character launches, including the US character Lalaloopsy. In addition to media exposure, we also provided flexible and detailed services, such as trend spotting on Harajuku Takeshita-street, TV interviews, media exposures on kids and entertainment media, and supporting sales activities. We also supported the head office's activities when a executive visited Japan for inspection tours, media interviews and sales visits.

Press Release / プレスリリース


Japan's Travel Poster Contest - PR and Secretariat Office

For many years, we were in charge of PR activities and secretariat correspondence for the Japan Tourism Poster Competition, which was organised by the Japan Tourism Promotion Association and started in 1947 with the aim of improving the quality of tourism promotional posters nationwide and promoting tourism in Japan. As the PR contact point for many companies and institutions, including prefectural and local governments, railway companies, airlines and tourist associations, we have handled a wide range of enquiries and communications.



Guam Laxuary Hotel PR Campaign

KEN Premier Hotel Management conducted PR activities (sponsored by United Airlines) to promote the attractions of the four hotels it owns in Guam. We invited a number of trusted power bloggers to Guam to write about their experiences and introduce their hotels. Blogs are often thought of as an old-fashioned medium, but this is not the case: unlike social networking sites, blogs remain semi-permanently online and are a very important source of information for those planning a trip.



Pruduced by KAKUDA PEARLS. Luxurious Stay - COVA's PR Launch

COVA KAKUDA, a small luxury resort, has opened on the site of the former Kakuda Pearl factory in The Ago Bay. The climate is mild and the intricately woven beauty of the terrain has recently attracted attention both Japan and abroad as a secluded luxury resort. On a 40,000 square metre site owned by Kakuda Pearl facing the cove, the small luxury experience resort villa COVA KAKUDA was created. Even before the villas were built, we have been involved in PR activities together, including marketing and concept work, setting up the website, media publicities such as trade, lifestyle, and CEO interviews by journalists.
養殖場の跡地に、スモールラグジュアリーな体験型リゾート「COVA KAKUDA」が開業しました。古くから自然と人が共生してきた「里海」が残る英虞湾は、かつて真珠養殖の地として名を馳せました。気候は穏やかで、複雑に織りなすその地形の美しさから、昨今は隠れ家的な高級リゾート地としても国内外から注目を集めています。その入り江に面した覚田真珠が保有する敷地内に、大人が楽しめるスモールラグジュアリーな体験型リゾートヴィラ「COVA KAKUDA」が誕生しました。弊社は、その建物が建つ前から、顧客層マーケティングやコンセプトワーク、HPの開設から、業界紙への周知、ライフスタイルメディアの記者やライターさまとの取材などを含め、一緒にPR活動を行い歩んでまいりました。
◼︎Press Release / 報道資料
<Press Release / 報道資料>
◼︎Media Article / 掲載記事の一例
Travel Voice
GQ Japan
W Life

Character PR - 2 (A Popular Finnish Icon - ANGRY BIRDS)

We also carried out Finland's famous character, ANGRY BIRDS for Japan launch. In addition to media exposure, we also provided event support, creating an offical HP and support Rovio Entertainment Ltd.

もう一つの大きなキャラクターPR活動として、フィンランドの人気キャラクターである「アングリーバード」の日本進出に関するPR活動を、サンリオファーイースト様の下で行いました。またパブリシティやインタビューなどのメディア活動以外にも、公式ホームページのローンチや本社Rovio Entertainment 社のマーケティング活動のサポートも行いました。こちらもフレキシブルかつきめ細かい対応で、信頼を構築してまいりました。
Press Release / プレスリリース


Tunisia Olive Oil - Terra Delyssa - PR and Sales Support

We supported the largest olive oil brand in Tunisia, Terra Delissa (CHO), with PR activities and as a sales base in Japan.The PR activities included inviting a number of well-known media journalists and writers on a press tour, visiting the French food expo "SIAL Paris" and CHO's factory and olive groves in Sfax, Tunisia, where a number of articles were published. In addition, we acted as a sales base in Japan, supporting the sales operations of the head office.

チュニジア最大のオリーブオイルブランド「テラデリッサ」(CHO社)のPR活動と、日本におけるセールス拠点としてのサポートを行いました。PR活動では、多くの著名メディアの記者やライターをプレスツアーへ招待し、フランスの食品博「SIAL Paris」と、チュニジア・スファックス市にあるCHO社の工場とオリーブ畑などを訪問し、数多くの記事が掲載されました。さらに弊社では日本でのセールス拠点として、本社のセールス業務をサポートしました。